There is so much to say about the subject of Joseph Kony and the Invisible
Children organization.  I would guess that a majority of America has heard about
it by now, and it's spreading even farther, through the use of social media. 
The "promo" of the invisible children organization is very convincing, and
really pulls you into the cause.  Which, of course, is it's goal.  They want
people to want to help their cause.  And it's a great cause no doubt, and
definitely something that all of us, as human beings, should care about.  Their
video makes me question a few things though.  First off, it's very well made
(which is why it's been spreading so far and fast) but there is not a lot of
concrete information in there that I could pull out, and at the end there was
still a lot of questions about the cause that were not answered.  The point of
the video is obviously just to get the cause out there.  Second, was what they
were telling us to do. Their solution was to make the leader, Joseph Kony,
known.  Well they have definitely succeeded.  My question is how effective is
that at really helping the cause?  Just sharing the video on facebook or twitter
doesn't seem like it would do a whole lot right?  My view is that the more
people you reach with the cause, the more times you will reach someone who
genuinely wants to do something about it and then DOES something.  So there are
more people actually acting to end Joseph Kony, and they keep pressure on our
government to use their power to do the same.  However, I don't know enough
about the statistics of the organization in the last week to know if that's
true.  Are they really getting more things done, or is there just more people
out there who know the name Kony, but content themselves with just retweeting
the message? It's something that I'd like to look more into as the campaign
moves forward

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